Our weekend inside has actually been quite fun. We have played many board games, made cookies, read, and simply spent time together. With our busy life of two active girls, a husband who works far away, and my work, we rarely have down time. It is ironic that it takes a hurricane to spend quality time with my family.
Earlier, when it was not hurricane force winds, my husband took a walk around our house and our neighbor's to see if the shingles were holding up under the onslaught of wind and rain. Both of our neighbors have evacuated because their younger children are terrified of storms. As he looked over the back of one house next door, he noticed a window had been blown open.
After calling the neighbor on their cell phone, we got the alarm code. Then, he slit the screen and dumped my youngest and smallest child into the window. She ran to unlock the door and he punched in the alarm code. They got towels, moped up the water off the new hardwood floor, furniture, and surrounding area. Crisis averted.
In another 10 hours or so, after the storm has passed, my husband gets to do his favorite thing. Drive around with his seldom used chain saw and help neighbors who have trees down. We will do this as a family, helping people who need it.
Overall, hurricane Irene has been good to us. We get to spend quality time as a family and help out our neighbors. Sometimes it takes hurricane winds to slow us down.